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Mutual Fund - 未名空间精华区
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Mutual Fund

发信人: zengdl (方鸿渐博士), 信区: TAX
标 题: Re: 共同基金怎么交税?
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat Feb 5 10:02:39 2005), 转信

1. Capital gain and loss from sale of mutual funds is treated the same way
as sale of stocks.

2. Capital gain distributions from mutual funds and REITs are shown
in box 2a of the Form-DIV you receive from the mutual fund or REIT.
Report capital gain distributions as long-term capital gains
regardless of how long you owned your shares in the mutual fund or REIT.

3. Some mutual funds and REITs keep their long-term capital gains and
pay tax on them. Undistributed capital gains of mutual funds and REITs are
reported on Form 2439 you receive from the mutual fund or REIT.
Report box 1a of Form 2439 as long-term capital gains on
Schedule D(Form 1040), column (f), line 11.
Report box 2 of Form 2439 on Form 1040, line 69, as tax credit.

Increase your basis in your mutual fund or your interest in a REIT,
by the difference between the gain your report and the credit
you claim for the tax paid.

For more details, see pub 564 on

【 在 jackliu (新车) 的大作中提到: 】
: 请高人指点。


※ 修改:.zengdl 于 Feb 6 01:38:11 修改本文.[FROM: 24.131.]
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间[FROM: 24.131.]


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